Madagascar General Information

Madagascar is an island located in the southwest of Africa, separated from this continent by the Mozambique Channel.

Sometimes majestic, sometimes unpredictable, this nearly 590,000km2-island is full of unsuspected treasures, starting with its unique cultural melting pot. Indeed, while traveling in Madagascar, you will find yourself in Asia and Africa at the same time. Once here, take time to appreciate life through the smile of a child, the field of birds, the gaze of a lemur, the forest’s silence and especially through the “mora-mora” lifestyle, this Malagasy philosophy that encourages us to take life slowly, as it goes, as it comes.

    Madagascar has 28 million inhabitants

The Malagasy language is the official language of Madagascar whereas French is the second language. English is the third language of the country

    Ariary (MGA) is the country’s currency

     There are two main seasons in Madagascar: the dry season from April to October and the rainy season from November to March

 Madagascar is positioned in the UTC/GMT+3 time zone all year round

   Over 90% of Madagascar’s biodiversity is endemic

    Madagascar has over 5000km of coastline, with some of the most beautiful beaches in the world

A Visa is required to travel to Madagascar:

1 to 15 days: 10€     16 to 30 days: 35€    31 to 60 days: 40€

           This Visa can be obtained online or upon your arrival in Madagascar

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